What is the Pixel Invaderz Metaverse?
Hi, my name is Julian, I’m the Project Lead of the Pixel Invaderz Metaverse.
Today I want to tell you a little bit about our NFT Project and mark the beginning of our continuous blog here on medium.com. Let’s start with the big, long-term vision that we have for the Pixel Invaderz Metaverse on Solana.
The Pixel Invaderz Universe should one day combine three major components of the Crypto space. Our own online strategy NFT-game, an ecosystem token that is tradable on the open market and a number of different NFT collections that all belong to the same universe. Every single NFT of our Metaverse will be playable in our game and will have its own purpose and role in the strategy game. Our own ecosystem token will be the base currency in the game. It will be the quote currency that every in-game resource can be traded against. But players will also be able to cash out our ecosystem token and trade it on the open market. By doing so, people will be able to generate passive income by playing our game and owning our NFTs. This gives our NFTs not only value as a collectable but also utility beyond the classic NFT.
This is of course only the big picture. We will also have collection specific features like you see in many other NFT projects. However, these features will be announced in the coming days and weeks.
Pixel Invaderz
The Pixel Invaderz are currently our first collection. If you haven’t checked them out have a loot at our website https://pixelinvaderz.com.
They represent our leaders in the Invasions and intergalactic wars to come. Each Invader has a dedicated job, belongs to one of our currently eight alien species and has many other traits.
There will be around 10k Pixel Invaderz, separated in 10 generations starting from gen0 which is out at the moment of writing. We will be releasing our generations in steps and every generation release will feature at least 4 new alien species and many new assets and traits. There will also be some special event based Invaderz which you can buy or get dropped by participating in our special events that we feature on our Discord or Telegram servers from time to time.
To learn more about our Pixel Invaderz and to stay up to date check out our Website and also join our Discord and Telegram.
Airdrops & Token
We already introduced the idea of our ecosystem token. Its name is still hidden but we will release more information about it when the time is right.
For now the most important thing to know is that there will be airdrops of the token when it launches. Every community member that bought a generation 0 Pixel Invader directly from us (in the pre-pre-sale, the sold out whitelist sale or the Mainsale on Solsea.io) will be eligible for this Airdrop. The amount of tokens dropped in the Airdrop will be based on the amount of gen0 Invaderz bought, your Discord Rank and some other aspects, that we will be announcing early enough. So stay tuned and always look for announcements.
We are currently in our Design & Prototyping phase. As soon as the real game development begins we will have Development Diaries and Q&As for the community to really integrate you in the game development process. We also aim to create a playable Version on the Solana Devnet as soon as possible, so that our community can test out the game and give us valuable feedback. You will get insights into what we develop and you can follow our online strategy game’s evolution over time. We will also announce more specific information about the game in the coming days and weeks.
Check out our Twitter and Website and if you want to get your own Pixel Invaderz go to our collection on Solsea.io.
By bringing other collections and creators to use our ecosystem token and also carefully integrating their NFTs in our game, we will even more increase the volume of our token and the size of our Metaverse.