The Pixel Invaderz Collection
The Pixel Invaderz collection is the first collection in the Pixel Invaderz Metaverse. It consists out of 10.000 Invaderz which are separated in 10 generations starting from gen0.
Every Invader has multiple traits that make it unique. You can have a look at all traits and the rarity at our Website here. We will be launching generation after generation over time, currently gen0 is out on Solsea.
Every new generation drop will also introduce new alien species and many new assets and unique traits. There will also be some special event based Invaderz so stay tuned.
Generation 0 introduced the first eight alien species to our Pixel Invaderz Metaverse. Every alien species has their own history and evolution. There strength and weaknesses will be also important in our upcoming game
Today we will have a brief look at all species and follow up on every single one in a more detailed post in the coming days.
Pixel Invaderz Alien Species
Human life on earth started around two million years ago starting in Africa. From there on humanity spread across the entire planet and by accident turned their home planet into a wasteland, which they had to leave in order to continue reign of the solar system as well as to save the existence of the entire race. Despite their brutal past humans have managed to survive the many challenges presented by nature and now take place in a growing galactic community.
Despite their scary appearance the Spidoids are known to be a very sociable and friendly species. It took them about 15 million years to evolve from a small bug to a big leggy boi. Growing a big brain turned out to take a little longer than you’d expect for other sentient species. Nevertheless, the race of the Spidoids built one of the most prominent space empires currently known to mankind.
Living underground for the past 3 million years the Antoids developed the ability to live out on the surface of their home planet in only the past 10.000 years, which sparked an exponential growth, that brought their civilizations to space, thus making them part of the galactic community.
No one really knows how the species known as the Molluscoids evolved to become the hyper muscular sentient species they are now. An even bigger mystery is their home planet, as it is covered in an opaque atmosphere and no one besides themselves ever stepped foot on it. Molluscoids are generally hostile towards other species and have no diplomatic ties with other civilizations.
From a human perspective the species known as the Meatoid looks like something coming straight from hell. Despite their frightening appearance the Meatoids are actually very sensitive and strongly intelligent creatures, that in order to further their intellect changed the appearance of their head to make more room for their brain. The home planet of the Meatoids contains the biggest knowledge base in the entire galaxy. This species is hermaphroditic.
The Fungoid race was the first one of the known Pixel Invaders civilizations to become a space faring empire. Even though they had to overcome the tropical climate of their home planet, nothing is stopping them now as they are very adaptable for different climates to settle on other planets.
Many specimens, one big brain! The Insectoids are a collective hive mind species that consists of drones, workers and a queen. For diplomatic relations in the galactic community this might seem like a hurdle at first, but it’s actually half bad as information spreads lightning fast through the empires central mind. Insectoids have mostly been neutral towards other species and are non-expansionist.
None of the known biological civilizations in the Pixel Invaderz galaxy want to take blame, for what originally was supposed to be a secure diplomatic force, meant to protect destabilized systems from political collapse. Instead, the race known as the Roboids came to be a prominent figure in galactic politics becoming a threat to all biological life and especially their creators. For now, the rogue AI-empire can be contained to their territory through a collected effort of the strongest civilizations in the galaxy.
We hope you enjoyed this first little glimpse into our different alien species in the Pixel Invaderz Metaverse. If you want to stay up to date join our Discord and follow us on Twitter.