Spidoids — Pixel Invaderz Species Introduction
About 15 million years ago, the first evolutionary ancestors of the Spidoids were nothing more than dog-sized, skinny eight-legged creatures that resided in small caves and dark forests. Being herbivores, they were on the low parts of the food chain, but being the prey of a predator had its evolutionary ups as well. It allowed the Spidoids to develop significant hearing and vision skills. In combination with these two body parts also their brain slowly grew.
The modern Spidoid that we know today, has a full amount of four eyes and only uses two of its eight limbs for walking, the other six extremities are used as arms. Hanging down from below their head, are two bands that have muscular structure and are needed for smelling and tasting, as well as moving consumables near their mouth. Reproductive organs are located on their back. Spidoids are intersexual creatures. Offspring is bred through egg laying in amounts of 10 to 20 specimens.
Mostly living in small herds, the Spidoids were always community-centered creatures. This trait allowed them to slowly build up a society of knowledgeable and rational individuals, forming the base of their fast-expanding civilization.
Government and galactic politics
Today, the Spidoids are considered by many to be one of the advanced civilizations in the known universe, working closely together with other species and having committed diplomatic ties to several like-minded civilizations. Their government type also reflects the rational nature of the species, as the empire is governed by several democratically elected leaders.