Molluscoids — Pixel Invaderz Species Introduction
Unknown evolution
Where and how the Mollucoid species evolved isn’t really known, as they are not very sociable and are generally hostile towards other species. A few specimens have been examined after space combat, but clues about their history are scarce.
Since their atmosphere contains up to 80% nitrogen, the standard Mollucoid specimen has some very interesting anatomical anomalies. The back part of its head contains one giant gill for breathing. Their mouth only serves the purpose of hunting. The Molluscoids are a predatory species, existing by feeding on their prey. It is thought that in order to catch their meal they evolved to develop extendable teeth. Their mouth can also open as much as 30 centimeters. A frightening sight…
Similar to their evolution, not much is known about the social structures of their species. But there are some speculations, that there exist some strictly hierarchical systems that specify the status of an individual citizen.
Government and galactic politics
The exact type of government is also part of speculation, but there are credible sources, that suggest the empire is ruled by a single dictator.
Since Mollucoids are xenophobic towards other extraterrestrial life, most attempts at making first contact ended in conflict. This civilization currently has no diplomatic relationships to other species in the known parts of the Pixel Invaderz galaxy. It is a mystery how the Mollucoid’s politics will change over the coming decades. But by completely denying any form of communication, unfavorable opinions of their species are only thought to increase.